Use Cases

What to use Birdslate for?

Daily Stand-ups

Let your team continue to be productive at their own pace and schedule. By recording stand-ups in an async way, you won’t force yourself or anyone else to leave their zone. Just do it when you are free.

Casual Interactions

Record short videos about your private and work life. Share the fun bits with your friends at work, and let them become more than a fleeting moment!

Architectural Disscussions

Send short videos instead of holding long boring meetings. Share your thoughts and ideas in a friendly yet efficient way.


New team members are often afraid to interrupt others, leaving them with plenty of unanswered questions. Video messages allow your new members to ask in a noninvasive way while creating familiarity with the rest of your team.

Code Reviews

Providing feedback in video format allows you to get your message across without worrying about tone misinterpretations. Fewer headaches, more improvement!

Sharing Good Practices

Our attention span is getting shorter and shorter. Bite-sized content gives your team access to knowledge without crowding their schedules. It is easy to access: you can even watch it while taking a toilet break.